Examples of activities and the amount of calories they burn
- 30 minutes laundry = 67 calories
- 45 minutes housework = 200 calories
- 60 minutes shopping = 240 calories
- 60 minutes playing with the kids (physical) = 300 calories
- 10 minutes sex = 40 calories
- 2 minutes brushing teeth = 4 calories
- 30 minutes ironing = 65 calories
- 30 minutes gardening = 150 calories
- 30 minutes mowing lawn = 160 calories
- 30 minute game basketball = 280 calories
- 15 minutes stair runs = 260 calories
- 30 minutes swimming laps – moderate = 245 calories
- 30 minute stretching = 87 calories
- 30 minutes walking the dog = 105 calories
- 45 minutes yoga = 130 calories
Will also discuss what are calories?
A calorie is a unit of measure of energy in the same way that kilometres measure distance. Calories are usually used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages.Food is a source of fuel for the body, which is used for energy, growth and repair as well as vital bodily functions like breathing and muscle contraction. The main macronutrients in our diet come in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which are broken down by the digestive system into their simplest components, being simple sugars, amino acids and fatty acids.
The calorie content of foods and beverages depends on the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins present in the food. If we regularly eat more calories than our body needs, the excess will be stored as body fat.
Examples of 100 (unhealthy) calories:
- 1/3 can (375mL) coke
- 1/3 slice Domino’s Supreme pizza
- 1 Tim Tam
- 1 glass (150mL) dry white wine
- 2/3 schooner full strength beer
- 1/5 Big Mac burger
- 1/5 blueberry muffin
- 2/5 Original glazed Krispy Kreme
- ¾ regular cappuccino f/c milk
- 2/3 Mars Bar
Examples of 100 (healthy) calories:
- 3 cups air-popped pop corn
- 1 medium banana
- 2 cups cooked broccoli florets
- 14 Almonds
- 2 ¼ cups chopped carrot
- 60g grilled chicken breast
- 5 large boiled eggs
- 3 Tablespoons hummus
- ¼ large avocado
- 4 thin rice cakes
- 1 ½ cups blueberries
- 1 slice wholemeal bread