It’s clear that the way healthcare is being accessed and delivered is changing. Our Co-Founder, Robbie Clark, recently sat down with Andrew Whitfield-Cook from Wellness by Designs to talk about how traditional healthcare models are being forced to shift to more modern digital healthcare models. To better understand this, Robbie discussed the difference between a traditional and modern healthcare delivery system.

Traditional healthcare models:

– Point of care is in the clinic

– Based on populations

– Authoritative approach – hierarchy – the patient is often an afterthought

– Treatment = “Reactive”

– Data owned by clinics

– Ivory tower

– Paper-based


Modern Healthcare models:

– Point of care is the patient and where they want to be treated (hybrid care model)

– Based on the individual (personalised)

– Collaborative/Participatory approach

– Treatment = “Proactive”

– Data owned and shared with patient

– Digitised


COVID forced practitioners to adapt to a new way of delivering healthcare, online. The post-pandemic future of healthcare will undoubtedly require transformation towards digitally-enabled care delivery, and digital health infrastructure that offers real-time tracking of health outcomes to support the viability of health systems and software well into the future.

Since the pandemic, practitioners and healthcare organisations have had to re-evaluate and redesign their care delivery model to ensure patients truly remain at the heart of healthcare. For practitioners to be successful in the future, there needs to be a shift from provider-centric care that focuses solely on disease management, to an ecosystem approach that proactively identifies risk and enables patients to work with their health practitioner as partners.

HealthBank is creating a new digital health solution, making it easy for practitioners to transition to virtual care and patients to access that care. This solution is providing patients with a seamless technology experience irrespective of the environment. The increased adoption of digital health technologies will empower the practitioner to deliver care that is empathetic at its core resulting in improved clinical decision-making processes and better patient engagement and health outcomes.


Listen to Robbie’s podcast here: